“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” John 12:32 (KJV)
“God has been so gracious to us by giving us a beautiful place to live in a 77-acre coffee plantation.
One day, Caleb, our 8-year-old son, and three of his friends went exploring through the coffee plants. When they were ready to come home, they were not sure which way to go. They decided to go up one of the hills, but they still could not see the house. Then Caleb had the idea of climbing trees in order to see farther. After climbing several trees along the way, he yelled out to his friends, “I see the cross!”
In hopes of having a good harvest each year, our landlord had constructed a large white cross on one of the hills near our house because he believes that Mary, Jesus, and God would bless his efforts. So when Caleb saw the cross, he knew which direction to head. When he retold the story, he commented that when he was up in the tree and saw the cross, he knew that he was home.
What is the compass you use to guide you and your loved ones? What is your home? Are you sure that the path you are on today will lead you to the eternal home with God?
Jesus said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” Caleb saw the cross, and it represented home, safety, and the right to say, “I once was lost, but now I’m found.”
-Jeff and Karen, Middle America and the Caribbean
Father, I praise you that you sent your Son to die on the cross for my sins. Thank you that He rose again. Thank you that as a result, anyone who believes in Him can have eternal life! May I never stray from the cross. May I abide in you. Amen.
Someone once asked me “What would you say to the 40/40’s who are preparing to come?” I thought long and hard, I came up with some encouraging things to tell them, I thought of a LOT of things I would tell them to bring, but, there was something weighing very heavy on my heart. It was as if God Himself was telling me to tell them the truth! So this is what I would tell them and anyone who is preparing to become a missionary.
This will be the hardest thing you have ever done in your life. You will question your call and God more times than you would care to count. You will experience things in your own life that you NEVER dreamed of experiencing. Some of those things will be GREAT and will change your life forever….in a good way. And then other things will be horrible and change your life, but maybe not in such a good way. I cling to the promise that God will use EVERYTHING for HIS good, because without this promise my life is a lost cause.
You will make friends that will last a lifetime. It’s a “Live together or die alone” kind of thing. Your cluster support family, partner and fellow 40/40’s are your family. Learn to trust and love them because they are all you’ve got in the hard times! This is what I would tell you, if you asked me about my life as a missionary. This is the truth of my life, and I’m committed to it!
My sister Angela sent me a song that touched my heart and has since been an anchor in my life. It’s called “The Words I Would Say”. These words have kept me going when I was ready to give up: “Be strong in the Lord, And NEVER give up hope, you’re gonna do GREAT things, I already know. God’s got His hand on you, So, don’t live life in fear, Forgive and Forget, BUT DON’T FORGET WHY YOU’RE HERE, take your time and Pray, these are the words I would say.”
“What is the compass you use to guide you and your loved ones?” mine is the cross. I will walk in the shadow of the cross that way people will see Jesus first, and then me!
With all my love, Brittany
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